Compra online el libro Basic German. Berlitz® Speaking Your Language de Berlitz Publishing; disponible en Royce Editores, la mejor y más grande librería de diccionarios y enciclopedias en México.
Berlitz®, the most respected name in language learning, has for more than 125 years been synonymous with language learning. Millions of people have learned a language with Berlitz®.
Designed for students, business people and anyone wanting to learn German, Berlitz® Basic will have you speaking right from the start. Berlitz® Basic uses a conversational approach to teach you the words and expressions you need.
“The most straightforward product... well paced lessons, spoken by a variety of pleasant voices.”
–The Wall Street Journal.
- Native speakers engage you in real-life conversations.
- Gain basic language skills in reading, writing, listening and speaking with ease and confidence.
- Short effective lessons so you’ll never feel overwhelmed.
- Un libro impreso
- Formato 20.3 x 25.4 x 0.8 cm
- 122 páginas impresas a todo color
- Fina encuadernación en pasta suave
- Incluye 3 CDs Audio
- Primera edición, año 2003
- ISBN-10: 981-268-227-9, 9812682279
- ISBN-13: 978-981-268-227-7, 9789812682277
- Textos: Dr. Steve Williams
- © Berlitz Publishing
- Unit 1. Guten Tag! Meeting, greeting, and introducing yourself; spelling; numbers 0-20.
- Lesson 1. Freut mich!
- Lesson 2. Wie ist Ihre Nummer?
- Lesson 3. Kommen Sie aus Berlin?
- Checkpoints.
- Unit 2. Was darf es sein? Eating out and food shopping: numbers 21-99 and 100-1000.
- Lesson 1. Eine Portion Pommes, bitte!
- Lesson 2. Ein Bier, bitte.
- Lesson 3. Ein Euro zwanzig das Kilo.
- Checkpoints.
- Unit 3. Alles über mich Exchanging information about occupations and families; nationalities and language.
- Lesson 1. Das ist meine Familie.
- Lesson 2. Was sind Sie von Beruf?
- Lesson 3. Sie sprechen gut Deutsch!
- Checkpoints.
- Test 1. Review of Units 1-3.
- Unit 4. Willkommen in Berlin! Checking into a hotel; finding your way around town; days and time.
- Lesson 1. Ein Doppelzimmer mit Dusche.
- Lesson 2. Wo ist hier eine Post?
- Lesson 3. Wie viel Uhr ist es?
- Checkpoints.
- Unit 5. Einkaufsbummel Shopping for a variety of goods; more directions; clothing; describing items; ordinal numbers.
- Lesson 1. Wo kann ich hier einen Film kaufen?
- Lesson 2. Ich suche ein gestreiftes Hemd.
- Lesson 3. Ich nehme den großen Teddy.
- Checkpoints.
- Unit 6. Unterwegs Travel by rail; renting a car; using public transportation.
- Lesson 1. Mit der Bahn.
- Lesson 2. Ohne Kilometerbegrenzung.
- Lesson 3. In der Großstadt.
- Checkpoints.
- Review of Units 4-6.
- Extra 1.
- Extra 2.
- Extra 3.
- Extra 4.
- Extra 5.
- Extra 6.
- Answer key.